The Blog in 2013

A very Happy New Year to all of my readers and anyone who may even have stumbled upon this page by accident! I would like to take this opportunity to review the progress of this blog in 2013.

The blog has now had over 12,000 hits, most of which were in the last 12 months. The blog continues to be searched and read worldwide; the countries with the most visits thus far are the United Kingdom, America, Germany, France, Poland, Australia, Canada, Russia, Norway and Latvia. I have been also to track hits, however, from Ireland, India, China, the Czech Republic and Holland, to name a few. It is fantastic to know that this blog has become so widespread and I really do appreciate anyone who reads the blog or passes the word on about it.
It is true that I have not been able to update the blog this year as much as I would have liked to, and I must apologise for that. Hopefully this is something that can be remedied over the next year, but of course, life can get awfully busy and sometimes, unfortunately, other things must take priority. I endeavour, however, to be able to write an average of one blog a week for 2014, if I can.

If you have any suggestions as to content for the blog, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I was very pleased to have my first guest blogger in 2013 and also welcome any other posts if a topic can be arranged. Holocaust education and awareness remain incredibly important, and it is not always an easy subject to talk about, but the benefits for us and future generations certainly outweigh these efforts.

Once again, I thank you all for your continued support and hope that you have a happy, successful 2014.